Smoke Management Systems
Building Emergency Smoke Management Systems: Ensure that areas equipped with Mechanical Smoke Ventilation Systems are tested for proper automatic operation by actuation of a fire protective signaling system-initiating device.
Mechanical Ventilation: Building air handling equipment (HVAC) designed to remove smoke shall exhaust at a rate of not less than six changes of air per hour and exhaust directly to the exterior of the building without re circulating to other locations in the building. Mechanical ventilation equipment controls shall be located in the fire control room/station and have the capability of controlling one or all floors for smoke evacuation.
Below Grade Levels: All areas below grade equipped with mechanical smoke ventilation shall be tested for proper automatic operation by actuation of a fire protective signaling system-initiating device. System shall exhaust at a rate of not less than six (6) changes of air per hour, and exhaust directly to the exterior of the building.
Smoke Removal: Mechanical Smoke Control systems. Check system reliability as follows:
Actuate all initiating devices designed to operate fans, blowers, and smoke control dampers to determine proper automatic function of system.
When fans, blowers, and smoke control dampers are interconnected to the building fire control room/station, ensure that remote control from that location is operable and proper status is indicated on the smoke control panel. Verify that all lights are functional when the lamp test button is depressed.
Perform a visual inspection of all fans, blowers, and smoke control dampers to verify proper operation in the smoke removal mode.
Verify that smoke control systems supplied by emergency power systems, operate properly when normal power is lost. Secondary power shall be from an approved emergency standby power source complying with the electrical code.
Mechanically Ventilated Smoke proof Enclosure:
Doors: Open all doors in the system and determine if they are held open by smoke-actuated hold-open devices.
Initiating Devices: Actuate any initiating device on each floor and determine:
That all-magnetic hold open devices release and all fire rated doors in the system properly closes and latch. That the comfort air handling system (HVAC) has shutdown. That the vestibule ventilation system is activated and the supply and exhaust dampers open. That the stair-shaft ventilation system is activated. That the fire control panel properly indicates the status of the fire protective signaling system.